Why did the dog hide?
Care and Maintenance

Why did the dog hide?

Why did the dog hide?

In order to understand what is happening with the pet, it is worth observing his behavior. Often the reasons why a dog hides is fear, psychological trauma, or simply the behavior of a particular animal.

Reasons for unusual behavior:

  1. Character and genetics

  2. The desire to hide may be driven by the dog’s instincts. Her ancient wild ancestors made their lair in the ground. By the way, this sometimes explains the passion of pets for digging up the earth in the yard.

    When playing, puppies can also try to hide from the owner. Do not worry: the dog will grow up and stop provoking the household.

  3. false pregnancy

  4. If the dog has become restless or, on the contrary, completely passive, builds a “nest”, rushes around the apartment, stopped playing, then these symptoms may indicate a false pregnancy. Of course, all signs are individual and depend on the dog itself. However, if the dog began to hide, check the mammary glands, the loop. Swollen nipples and colostrum discharge are sure signs of a bitch’s current false pregnancy. But in no case should you make a diagnosis on your own; if you suspect this disorder, you must visit a veterinarian.

  5. Trauma and fear

  6. Does the dog hide and whine during thunder or fireworks? Most likely, the pet is scared. Sometimes fear can go away by itself, in some cases, the help of a specialist, a zoopsychologist, is necessary. Strong fears interfere with the full life of the dog, and they need to be dealt with.

  7. Another animal in the apartment

  8. Another possible reason for a change in dog behavior is the presence of a competitor in the home. It could be another dog or even a cat trying to dominate. Most likely, the weaker individual is afraid and tries to hide from his offender.

    To avoid behavioral problems, introduce the animals gradually. Always follow the order and sequence in relation to pets. Over time, their relationship should improve. If they cannot get along with each other, seek help from a cynologist. It will help establish contact between the warring neighbors.

  9. New circumstances

  10. Moving or having a baby in the house are also stressful situations for the dog, which can provoke unusual behavior. In this case, it is very important not to put pressure on the pet, not to force him to settle in a new place by force and not to hide the baby if a baby has appeared in the house. Let the dog understand that this is a new member of the family who will not harm anyone.

  11. Disease

  12. If the dog trembles and hides, the reason for this behavior can be various kinds of diseases – from infectious diseases to lesions of the nervous system. You should be wary if the dog is lethargic, does not play, does not eat and behaves very carefully.

As you can see, the reasons for the unusual behavior of animals can be very different – from a harmless period of growing up and adaptation in puppyhood to serious diseases that can lead to sad consequences.

Therefore, the first thing the owner needs to do if the behavior of the pet has changed dramatically is to consult a veterinarian.

Only a specialist is able to determine the true reason for the pet’s desire to hide from prying eyes; The doctor will also prescribe high-quality treatment, if necessary.

3 May 2018

Updated: February 18, 2019

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