Vlas-eaters in guinea pigs

Vlas-eaters in guinea pigs

Vlas-eaters are one of the few ectoparasites found in guinea pigs.

Vlas-eaters are not frequent visitors to the hair of guinea pigs, but occasionally infection can still occur. The most common guinea pig species are gyropus ovalis and gliricola procelli. These parasites are about 1 mm long and live in the coat, predominantly at the base of the hairs. They feed on skin scales, secretions from the glands, some species (rare) suck blood.

Previously, it was thought that the presence of lice on the skin and coat of pigs causes severe itching and scratching, but now experts assure that such symptoms occur only in 10-15% of cases. A guinea pig infected with lice may not show any symptoms for a long time, and the owner can detect parasites only by examining his pet’s coat.

Vlas-eaters can be easily destroyed with the help of modern contact insecticides.

Vlas-eaters are one of the few ectoparasites found in guinea pigs.

Vlas-eaters are not frequent visitors to the hair of guinea pigs, but occasionally infection can still occur. The most common guinea pig species are gyropus ovalis and gliricola procelli. These parasites are about 1 mm long and live in the coat, predominantly at the base of the hairs. They feed on skin scales, secretions from the glands, some species (rare) suck blood.

Previously, it was thought that the presence of lice on the skin and coat of pigs causes severe itching and scratching, but now experts assure that such symptoms occur only in 10-15% of cases. A guinea pig infected with lice may not show any symptoms for a long time, and the owner can detect parasites only by examining his pet’s coat.

Vlas-eaters can be easily destroyed with the help of modern contact insecticides.

Vlas-eaters in guinea pigs

Treatment of lice in guinea pigs

Vlice remedies suitable for guinea pigs:

  • Stronghold 6%
  • Advantage 40 or Advantage 80
  • Frontline drops (analogues: fiprist, fiproclear, flevox, fiprex)
  • Frontline spray (fiprist spray) should be used as drops on the withers. One of the safest drugs, as they are allowed to treat even pregnant animals
  • Baephar, pest control spray

Now in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies there is a large selection of anti-ectoparasites for rodents. It is better, of course, to choose those that are made on the basis of vegetable

Repeat the treatment 2-3 times at intervals of 7-8 days to prevent infection by hatched larvae.

Vlice remedies suitable for guinea pigs:

  • Stronghold 6%
  • Advantage 40 or Advantage 80
  • Frontline drops (analogues: fiprist, fiproclear, flevox, fiprex)
  • Frontline spray (fiprist spray) should be used as drops on the withers. One of the safest drugs, as they are allowed to treat even pregnant animals
  • Baephar, pest control spray

Now in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies there is a large selection of anti-ectoparasites for rodents. It is better, of course, to choose those that are made on the basis of vegetable

Repeat the treatment 2-3 times at intervals of 7-8 days to prevent infection by hatched larvae.

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