Other names: pixie bob , short-tailed elf
Pixibob pleases even sophisticated animal lovers. Who does not want to make friends with a real lynx, only domestic and affectionate? Short-tailed creatures with a spotted coat are at your service!
Characteristics of Pixie-bob
Country of origin | Canada, USA |
Wool type | Shorthair, longhair |
Height | 30–35 cm |
Weight | 3–10 kg |
Age | 11 to 13 years old |
Basic moments
- The pixie bob is one of the few breeds that bears a resemblance to wild cats.
- These animals show amazing delicacy and sensitivity, which makes them versatile pets.
- Representatives of the breed are quite “hospitable”, calmly relate to the presence of strangers in the house.
- Cats get along well with children, show a particularly reverent attitude towards babies.
- Pixiebobs are suitable for keeping with other pets, with the exception of rodents and birds.
- Animals will not put up with the constant absence of the owner: this is a very sociable breed.
- Cats are famous for their intelligence and ability to train, they learn even complex commands.
- Pixiebobs love active games and walks, which are reminiscent of dogs.
- Pixiebob will not cause trouble even for those who get a cat for the first time.

The Pixie Bob is an American breed with a controversial history. Her main virtues are a meek disposition, devotion and a developed intellect. Cats will not accept the role of decorative objects: they like active games, walks and maximum participation in the life of the owner. At the same time, pixiebobs are very tactful and do not bother until they are called by name. And now: the animal is right there, ready to delight you with purring and funny antics!
History of the pixie bob breed
The origin of short-tailed cats has created more than one intriguing theory. The most popular ascribed kinship to pixiebobs with wild lynxes. In fact, the breed appeared quite by accident, but not without the intervention of breeder Carol Ann Brewer.
In the 20th century, breeders wanted to breed cats that would become smaller copies of red lynxes, the native inhabitants of North America. Genotypes of outbred domestic cats and short-tailed forest cats were used as material. The development of such a breed in natural conditions was impossible: males in the first and second generations were most often born sterile. Nevertheless, the territory of the USA and Canada was inhabited by hundreds of such hybrids, among which there were also curious specimens.
One of them was owned by Miss Brewer. In 1985, a woman was vacationing in the west of the continent, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. As a souvenir, she brought a kitten bought from a married couple. They claimed that the fluffy baby appeared as a result of the union of an ordinary cat and a wild short-tailed cat. A year later, in January, the breeder adopted another pet. It turned out to be a large cat with a short but large tail. The mass of the animal reached 8 kg, despite its emaciation, and the crown was at the level of the knee. The woman gave him the nickname Keba.
In April of the same year, the short-tailed Don Juan became a father: the cat Maggie acquired a spotted offspring. Carol Brewer kept one baby and named her Pixie. The American breeder realized that she could recreate a new breed with a specific appearance, and set about developing a breeding program. Its participants were 23 short-tailed cats caught in the Rocky Mountains, and the beautiful Pixie. To indirectly refer to their offspring, Brewer introduced the term “legendary cat” and registered the copyright for the program. Carol’s developments were joined by other American breeders who worked with wild cats to create an extensive genetic base and, as a result, the development of the future breed.
The first pixie bob standard appeared in 1989. The breed owes its name to Brewer’s favorite. Four years later, the breeder applied to the International Cat Association (TICA), wanting to achieve official recognition of the breed. In 1994, it was registered as experimental. A year later, pixiebobs were assigned to a number of new breeds and thus provided the opportunity to participate in championships and exhibitions along with other cats. A short-tailed handsome man named Zeus was even awarded an international award.
Although representatives of TICA have entered pixiebobs in the official registry, these cats have not been recognized by all felinological associations. The main reasons for refusal are the presence of wild ancestors and an uncontrolled breeding program in the past. According to experts, these factors may adversely affect the further development of pixiebobs.
Despite the skepticism of felinological organizations, representatives of the breed continue to interest both breeders and cat lovers. Unfortunately, pixiebobs never managed to conquer the entire globe. American breeders consider the breed a national treasure and diligently prevent the export of animals from the continent. For this reason, domesticated “lynxes” are extremely rare in European countries.
Video: pixie bob
Appearance pixiebob
Felinologists note the similarity of spotted beauties with American Bobtails , also known for their wild origin. Pixiebobs look rather massive and muscular animals, although they are not without natural grace. Sexual dimorphism is striking: males are larger than cats. Their body weight reaches 7-9 kg and 4-6 kg, respectively.
The pixie bob is a medium-sized breed. Its representatives differ among themselves in wool: there are long- and short-haired handsome men. They have the same lynx habits.
Head and skull
The head of a pixie bob is medium to large in size, resembling an inverted pear. There is a slight roundness on the top of the head, slightly smoothed towards the corners of the eyes. The skull is embossed.
Pixibobs are characterized by a wide and full muzzle with a pronounced stop. When viewed from the front, its diamond shape is noticeable. The forehead is rounded, the nose is wide and slightly convex, but not humpbacked. The cheeks appear plump due to the fleshy whisker pads. The large chin is well developed, covered with coarse and heterogeneous hair. In profile, it forms a straight line with the nose. Sideburns are clearly visible on the cheekbones.
Pixie-bob Ears
The set is low and slightly deviated towards the back of the head. The ears have a wide base, turned outward. The rounded tips are decorated with lynx tassels, which are more pronounced in long-haired pixiebobs. On the back of the ears, light spots are visible, resembling thumbprints.
The eyes are medium in size, the shape is close to triangular. Planted deep and at a considerable distance from each other. A distinctive feature of cats is cream or white eye rims. Lines leading to the cheeks begin from the outer corners. The preferred colors of the iris are brown, golden or greenish (reminiscent of gooseberries).
Jaws and teeth
Pixibobs have massive and heavy jaws that form a pincer bite. At the same time, the lower one does not protrude beyond the line of the muzzle. The complete dental formula includes incisors, canines, premolars and molars.
The neck is comparatively short; weighted with developed muscles, which can be felt under thin skin. Looks larger due to the thick and voluminous coat.
Representatives of the breed are massive: their body reaches medium and even large sizes. The chest is wide and deep, with strong bones and muscles. The shoulder blades are large and protrude above the spine. The line of the back is not straight: it falls behind the shoulders, but rises again towards the hips. There is a small fat pouch on the abdomen.
Pixie-bob Tail
Set low, mobile and short (from 5 cm). May reach maximum to the hocks. Kinks and corners are acceptable. The hair at the tip of the tail is usually black or brown.
These cats have muscular limbs with strong bones. The rear is longer than the front, so the croup is slightly raised. Massive paws have a round shape. The toes are fleshy and plump, and should rest fully on the floor and point forward. A distinctive feature of the breed is polydactyly (rudimentary processes in the form of fingers). The paw pads are pigmented in dark brown or black.
Pixiebobs have fluffy and soft-touch coats. The breed standard allows animals to have short and long hair. The spinous hairs are quite elastic, directed downwards, and have water-repellent properties. The undercoat is of medium density and seems to be fluffed up.
Pixie-bob Color
The breed standard is a light brown tabby with pronounced ticking in warm shades. The coat on the belly is lighter. A pattern in the form of spots of small and medium sizes is required. The more random their distribution over the body of the pixie bob, the better. Muted tones of spots are preferred. TICA allows seasonal color changes, brindle tabby and white “medallions” on the chest.
Possible vices
Common pixie bob defects include:
- mild fat sac on the abdomen;
- excessively long or smooth coat;
- too short or long tail;
- narrow or small chin;
- insufficiently pronounced ticking;
- undeveloped superciliary arches;
- bovine postav of limbs;
- too dark color
- flattened skull;
- narrow hips.
Representatives of the breed may be disqualified for the following reasons:
- “collar” in long-haired pixiebobs;
- atypical color or shape of spots;
- excessively graceful physique;
- amputated claws;
- docked tail;
- tail shorter than 2.5 cm;
- undescended testicles;
- Round eyes;
- deafness.
Pixibob character
A reverent character is hidden under the mask of a “lynx”, as if in front of you is not a descendant of forest cats, but a pupil of the royal court! Representatives of the breed get along well with family members, showing the best qualities. Among them – patience, delicacy, calmness. Animals are always ready for active games, but will not get in the way if you are in a bad mood. This feature of the breed pleases those who prefer loneliness, but at the same time do not mind a fluffy and affectionate companion.
Pixiebobs are family oriented, but they don’t tend to pick favorites. These cats are equally affectionate towards adults and children, showing rare friendliness even towards strangers. However, some animals prefer shelter under the sofa, rather than the company of strangers. Carefully look at the behavior of the pet and do not try to keep it if the plump muzzle expresses a desire to hide in a secluded corner. Thoroughly study the habits of your pet, and there will be no problems with him.
Representatives of the breed are friendly to children, especially to the smallest ones, but they will not tolerate disrespectful attitude towards themselves. If the child shows excessive interest in the animal, gets to know him through suffocating hugs and pulling the tail, keep communication to a minimum. Pixiebobs rarely show aggression, but are able to fend for themselves. Otherwise, they are playful and moderately mobile animals. They often amuse others with their antics and will not refuse a fun game of catch-up.
Although cats are quite calm and friendly, they will show other pets who is the boss in the house. Pixiebobs are not the first to start a conflict, but familiarity is still not for them. This breed gets along well with its relatives and with dogs. But decorative birds and rodents are not the best company. Do not forget about the hunting instincts, which can result in the loss of a furry or feathered friend.
Pixiebobs are especially popular with dog lovers, because their behavior is so reminiscent of playful Corgis , Papillons and Jack Russell Terriers . In addition, cats show remarkable training abilities, like to bring toys and follow commands. Representatives of the breed are rather silent, “communicate” with the owner using a variety of sounds and rarely meow. Animals are very attached to the owner and can not stand long separations. If you often go on business trips, think about another breed: persian , javanese or russian blue . These cats are easier to perceive loneliness.
Pixiebobs are not suitable for homebodies either. Animals have inherited from their wild ancestors an uncontrollable activity and desire to hunt. So you will have to walk your pet on a leash as often as possible and encourage him to catch the most beautiful butterfly in the park!
Pixie-bob Education and training
A distinctive feature of this breed is intelligence. Nature endowed animals with intelligence and good memory. Felinologists believe that pixiebobs understand the meaning of most words. If you talk about a visit to the vet, the pet will prefer to retreat and sit somewhere under the bed.
However, remember: representatives of the breed are not only smart, but also cunning. You will have to sweat a lot before you find an approach to your pet and can start training. But some owners manage to teach the pixie bob to go to the toilet and even flush after themselves. This is a great way to save on filler, and just a reason to smile at your pet’s quick wits.
Not with less ease, animals understand the purpose of the scratching post and the tray. The main thing is to start training pixiebob as early as possible. Adult cats have already established habits and character. Changing them is more difficult, but still possible.
Pixiebobs especially appreciate active teams. Having taught your pet to bring a toy or chase a thrown ball, you will please not only yourself, but also him. And combining training with a walk in a quiet park will make the animal the happiest in the world!
Pixie-bob Care and maintenance
Pixibobs are completely unpretentious in care, like their wild ancestors. Even long-haired cats do not cause trouble to their owners. But still, you should not completely forget about caring for your pet.
The representatives of the breed are characterized by a whipped and thick undercoat, in which tangles often appear, so the “fur coat” of the pixie bob needs attention at least once a week. For combing, use only a soft brush or furminator. A special glove is also suitable, which removes dead hairs using silicone spikes. Comb the cat in the direction of hair growth: this way the procedure injures the hair follicles less.
Pixiebobs are one of the few cat breeds that love water treatments. However, do not abuse them: it is enough to bathe the animal as the “fur coat” gets dirty. This thins the cat’s coat, the skin becomes dry. Even the use of mild shampoos and balms will not save.
The easiest way to bathe a pixie bob is in a basin or sink with warm water. Spread the product evenly over the coat, remembering to thoroughly rinse the undercoat, and rinse. In the warm season, you can leave your pet’s coat wet. In winter, it is worth blotting it with a towel or carefully drying it with a hairdryer. The latter is especially true for long-haired pixie-bobs.
If you accustom an animal to a scratching post, you won’t have to worry about its “manicure”. The exception is rudimentary fingers, the claws on which practically do not wear down. Cut off only the very ends with scissors. Be careful not to damage the blood vessels.
Many veterinarians don’t recommend touching a cat’s eyes for no reason. If you notice a mote, carefully remove it with a clean, lint-free cloth dampened with disinfectant. It can be purchased at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. Your movements should be neat, swiping, directed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
As for the pixie bob ears, it is advisable to clean them regularly. Abundant accumulations of sulfur can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist.
Cat oral care involves weekly brushing of teeth. A finger tip or an old brush will do. The use of “human” pastes is strictly prohibited! They are toxic to animals regardless of their breed.
Although pixiebobs are not picky, you don’t need to feed them everything. The best option is super-premium and holistic dry and wet food. They contain everything you need to maintain health, including vitamins A, D3, E, C, as well as selenium, zinc, copper, iodine and iron.
Eliminate from the cat’s diet:
- thermally processed meat (especially fatty);
- raw vegetables (legumes, potatoes, zucchini and others);
- dairy products in excessive quantities;
- fish (with the exception of low-fat sea);
- smoked and spicy foods;
- flour and sweet products;
- desserts and sweets;
- tubular bones.
Fill your pet’s bowl with fresh, filtered water regularly.
Pixiebob health and disease
The breeding program eliminated most of the problems associated with inbreeding. Genetic diseases are extremely rare. Among the typical diseases of pixiebobs are:
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – the result of crossing with other breeds;
- cryptorchidism – only a few cases have been reported since 1980;
- difficult childbirth and cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium.
For your pet’s well-being, provide him with proper care and a carefully selected diet. Do not forget about timely vaccination. This will help prevent parasitic and infectious diseases.
How to choose a Pixie-bob kitten

Buying a pet is a big step. You acquire not just an animal, but a future friend for many years. Approach the choice of a kitten responsibly. No need to blindly follow the recommendations of the breeder or friends. Listen to your intuition: it will not deceive you.
Don’t buy pixiebobs younger than three months old. Until this age, he needs maternal care and still cannot boast of a strengthened psyche. Toddlers weaned early from a cat often grow up shy. You will spend a lot of effort to get close to such a pet.
Take a closer look at the kitten, which is moderately playful and shows healthy curiosity. He should easily make contact, sniffing your hand and not being afraid to come closer. Carefully examine the attracted baby. Healthy kittens have a shiny and soft coat, and their eyes, nose and ears are clean. Don’t forget to feel your belly. It should be soft, relaxed.
The breeder always has documentation that confirms the prestige of the pedigree. If this is important to you, read it beforehand. If they refuse to provide you with papers, you should think about it. Probably, such pixiebobs are not purebred, and in the future they can puzzle you with a lot of health problems: physical and psychological.
It is also not recommended to buy a kitten that looks sickly, moves sluggishly, is afraid of loud sounds and bright lights.
Pixie-bob price
The best place to buy a pixie bob is in nurseries that specialize in breeding this breed. The price of a kitten varies between 350 – 1700$, depending on the class (pet, breed, show), gender, pedigree, compliance with the standard. The prestige of the cattery is another factor that can inflate this figure.