How and how to brush your dog’s teeth at home?

How and how to brush your dog’s teeth at home?

How and how to brush your dog’s teeth at home?

Do dogs need to brush their teeth?

Since professional cleaning of your dog’s teeth is not the most affordable option, you should teach your pet to hygiene from the moment the milk teeth appear, even before they change to permanent ones. And then regularly brush while there are teeth in the pet’s mouth.

As soon as the puppy has teeth, you can begin to care for them.

Of course, baby teeth will grow out to be healthy initially, so a puppy dental procedure is not so much about cleaning as it is about building a habit and creating a relaxed environment during it.

Brushing your pet’s teeth early will help him get used to the foreign object in his mouth, the feel of the brush on his teeth and gums, and help you gain experience.

What happens if a person does not brush their teeth, floss, or perform any other dental procedures besides going to the dentist?

Obviously, his breath will become terrible, his teeth will rot, and all his friends will start to keep a decent distance from him. Of course, all people try to maintain their health by conducting regular dental cleanings, the same habits should be instilled in pets.

So, let’s take a look at how to improve your dog’s dental health.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

How to brush your dog’s teeth at home

There are many veterinary products available to help improve the condition of your pet’s teeth.


Brushing removes more bacteria than any other home dental procedure, so it’s an inevitable must if you want a healthy smile for your dog. Mouth bacteria are good at hiding. They are found under the gum line, between the teeth, and even cover the tongue.

Dog toothbrushes come in all shapes and sizes, so find one that is right for your pet’s grazing. So, a brush for a Doberman will be significantly different from a brush for a Chihuahua. When you first begin to teach your dog to brush, try to use small and soft toothbrushes, they will be less intimidating and will not harm the gums.


The finger brush is great for first time owners and small dogs that have a small mouth for a full size toothbrush. It looks less intimidating, so your four-legged friend is more likely to take it easy and let you brush your teeth.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

Tooth wipes

Wipes are a great way to help your dog get used to oral hygiene. They are small and soft, so when cleaning the pet will feel a gentle massage of the teeth and gums.

For dogs with small mouths, they are a great alternative, as your finger or toothbrush may be too big for him.

In Russia, wipes are rarely recommended, but they are still represented on the veterinary market, for example, by Japan Premium Pet.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?


Of course, toothpaste is required for effective cleaning.

Never use human toothpaste. In addition to foaming properties that pose a choking hazard to the animal, it may contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, such as sweeteners and mint flavors.

Choose any veterinary paste, put a “pea” on the brush and start brushing.

Dental sprays and gels

Products in the form of gels, foams or sprays can also help clean teeth and freshen breath. When applied directly to the gums and teeth, or to the underside of the cheeks, the gels and sprays work in a similar way to human mouthwashes.

This method is a good choice for whitening already stained teeth, but again, they are best used in combination with brushing and toothpaste.

Food or water additives

Oral supplements can be very effective when used correctly and provide additional protection in the fight for clean teeth. There are many options and formats that you can choose from for your dog. They are added to water or food, according to the instructions, and during the day, while the dog drinks or eats it, the bacteria in the mouth die.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

Preparing for the procedure

To reduce the fear and stress of brushing your teeth, make sure you choose the right time and place where your pet can be as calm as possible. The place should be quiet and free from distractions.

Choose your brush first. It should be comfortable for you and match the size of your pet’s teeth.

To help your dog get used to the procedure, let him try the toothpaste. Once she realizes it’s delicious, she’ll let you brush her teeth.

Put some paste on your finger and let it smell. Reward her for her courage with a treat. Repeat this several times or even several days.

Touch your gums and teeth with your hands. It may not be the most fun part of the process, but it’s a great way to help your dog settle in. Start by gently lifting your lips, holding your upper jaw and massaging your gums with your finger.

This will help the animal understand that the hands in the mouth are not painful or scary. Add the paste, smear your fingers and touch your teeth. Now that the dog is not nervous, you can help him get used to the toothbrush.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

Show the brush, let her smell it. Constantly praise and reward with treats. Next, apply some paste on the brush and let the dog lick it. Gently massage your gums and front teeth with the brush in small, circular motions.

Then move on to the back. When you pull your lip up, you can begin to move in small circles further and further.

If the dog starts to resist, slow down and calmly praise him.

Don’t try to rush the process. The dog needs time to get used to the procedure.

If you and the animal are tired, take a break. Gradually, both of you will become a pro at brushing your teeth. Do not give up.

At the end of each session, no matter how successful, give your pet a toy, scratch his stomach, or take the dog for a walk to end the dental session on a good note.

How to properly brush your dog’s teeth – instructions

  1. Let the dog get to know the paste and brush.

  2. Lift the lips and expose the front teeth of the dog, brush them with the toothbrush and paste in gentle circular motions, holding it at an angle.

  3. Praise your dog if he is nervous, take a break.

  4. After brushing the front teeth, holding the upper jaw, move deep into the mouth. Treat the back teeth. Brush the outside of your teeth first, next to your cheeks.

  5. Try to apply gentle pressure on the corners of the jaw and the dog will open its mouth.

  6. Brush the inside of the teeth and, if the pet is located, the tongue.

  7. Brush and paste your teeth at least 1-2 times a week. On other days, use sprays, gels, or water supplements. Maintain oral hygiene daily. Don’t neglect tooth toys.

  8. Always encourage the dog after the procedure, she must be sure that she will receive a bonus – a treat, a toy, a walk, the attention of the owner.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

Hygiene aids

In addition to the basic hygiene products for daily maintenance of clean teeth, it is recommended to use additional pleasant methods.


Dental treats can improve dental health and be a rewarding experience for your pet. They contain ingredients such as mint, parsley and chlorophyll to freshen breath and reduce harmful bacteria.

Treats can be a simple addition to any dental routine, but depending on the ingredients and calories, pets with allergies, digestive issues, or overweight pets may be allowed to be restricted.

Dry food can also help keep your teeth healthy. If the size of the kibble is chosen correctly, then when it is chewed, the dog mechanically removes plaque from the teeth.


Toys can help clean your pet’s teeth.

Not every toy is suitable for this purpose, but many chewable toys are a great way to improve your pet’s dental health in a fun and enjoyable way.

Rubber toys will massage your gums and help remove bacteria and food debris. And some manufacturers specifically design toys for oral hygiene, as a rule, they have a corresponding mark on them.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

What can’t be cleaned?

It’s a rather dubious practice to use homemade toothpaste recipes. There are a variety of ingredients that you should avoid in pasta so you don’t harm your dog.

Acidic ingredients can erode enamel, so avoid using apple cider vinegar, for example.

You also need to be careful with ingredients that are too grainy. For example, charcoal.

Never use bleaching chemicals such as pure hydrogen peroxide. They can irritate the gums and soft tissues in the mouth when applied directly.

Do not use pastes for people and unsuitable objects – sticks, plastic, bones.

How often should a dog’s teeth be brushed?

Plaque prevention should be done daily from an early age. Active mechanical cleaning with a brush should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week. And it is advisable to do professional cleaning in the clinic at least once a year, especially if you cannot fully devote time to hygiene at home.

There are breeds predisposed to diseases of the oral cavity – Yorkshire Terrier, Spitz, Toy Terrier, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel, Pug, Bulldog.

How are clinics cleaned?

Teeth cleaning in the clinic takes place under general anesthesia.

The dentist examines the patient and the oral cavity, evaluates the degree of plaque deposition and the condition of the teeth. Next, the dog is prepared for the procedure – they conduct an examination before anesthesia.

Professional teeth cleaning is carried out with a scaler.

This is a special device that uses ultrasound to remove all deposits on the teeth, between the teeth, under the gums. The gentle impact of ultrasonic waves does not injure the teeth and gently cleans the enamel. 

The doctor will remove sick teeth. At the end of the procedure, polishing is carried out with a hygienic paste.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

How to care for your dog’s teeth

  1. Dog dental care should start at an early age.

  2. For a puppy, use soft fingertips to massage the gums and teach oral hygiene.

  3. It is not recommended to use toothpaste for puppies, this often leads to upset stools when they are swallowed.

  4. After accustoming your dog to oral procedures, brush regularly and use antibacterial products daily to kill bacteria in the mouth – sprays, gels, wipes.

  5. Choose the right size kibble in the food and do not neglect hard vegetables if the dog is on a natural diet. As a rule, nutritionists who make up such a diet take this into account.

  6. Get checked out by a veterinarian at least once a year.

How and how to brush your dogs teeth at home?

In what cases should you contact the veterinarian

An unscheduled trip to the doctor is worth making if you notice bad breath, yellow plaque on your teeth, or dark deposits. If the dog chews food on one side or refuses the usual food. Also, the symptoms of dental disease can be attributed – salivation, visible broken teeth, asymmetry of the muzzle. Let’s analyze the most common diseases that occur if you do not brush your teeth.

  • Plaque on the teeth, and then – the formation of a stone. First, the teeth change color to yellow, and then darken. Deposits can be seen on the teeth that prevent the dog from closing its mouth and destroy the roots of the tooth, a putrid odor appears from the mouth.

  • Caries – destruction of tooth enamel under the action of bacteria and putrefactive damage to the tooth. First, a dark spot appears, which grows deeper over time, and the tooth begins to hurt.

  • Tooth resorption – its complete destruction under the action of harmful bacteria. Teeth begin to loosen or even fall out, change color, gums become inflamed and bleed.

Brushing your dog’s teeth is essential

  1. Oral hygiene is a daily routine.

  2. It is necessary to accustom the animal to dental care from 2 months and continue throughout life.

  3. Brushing your teeth should not be stressful, do it in a calm environment, praise your pet and be tolerant.

  4. Choose the right brush, the right size, and use only veterinary pastes.

  5. Visit the dentist regularly with your dog, it is important to detect dental diseases at an early stage and cure so that the dog does not remain toothless.

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  1. Platonova P.V. Smart dog breeding. Veterinarian advice on how to raise and raise a healthy puppy. Eksmo, 2022.

  2. Krasnikova A. V. Veterinary dentistry: a short course of lectures for students of the specialty, Saratov State Agrarian University. – Saratov, 2016.

  3. Shigabutdinova N.A., Paradontin // Veterinary Petersburg Journal No. 4 – 2013.

  4. Specialized scientific and practical publications for veterinarians and students of veterinary universities.

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