Heat in cats

Heat in cats

Heat in cats

When does the first heat start?

Puberty occurs in kittens at the age of 6 to 12 months, at which time estrus begins. However, this does not mean that the young cat is ready to become a mother. The body continues to form, so you can knit a cat only after several estrus.

Signs of heat

During estrus, the cat is driven by the instinct of reproduction, so her behavior can be very different from usual. Do not scold her – the cat still cannot control itself. Here are some of the main signs by which you can determine the beginning of estrus:

  • The most obvious sign of estrus is a loud, plaintive meow. A cat can call a male day and night. Some pets begin to make a deep, chesty sound. The frequency and loudness of cat calls largely depends on the animal’s temperament: calm cats may be less assertive;

  • The cat may start marking territory. To do this, she often goes to the toilet, sometimes outside the tray. Together with urine, she secretes pheromones that attract cats;

  • A few days before estrus, the cat may become more affectionate. She will rub against the owner’s legs, demand to be stroked, paid attention to her. In some cases, the cat, on the contrary, becomes aggressive;

  • During estrus, the cat will rub against all surfaces, may wriggle on the floor, lick itself more often;

  • The cat begins to take a comfortable position for mating: it falls on its front paws, raises the back of the body, and moves its tail to the side.

The first estrus can go unnoticed, which is associated with the development of the cat’s body. However, if any of the listed symptoms become too severe, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

How long does a flow last?

In healthy cats, estrus lasts up to 7 days. The frequency ranges from once a month to once every six months. The cycles of each individual are individual, they can depend not only on physiological characteristics, for example, on the breed, but also on the environment: the proximity of the cat, conditions of detention, diet. If estrus passes more than once a month or, conversely, once a year or less, the cat should be shown to a specialist.

It is important to know

  • During sexual activity, a cat may run away from home in search of a cat. Every effort must be made to ensure its safety;

  • Sometimes during estrus, cats lose their appetite. You need to make sure that she gets enough food;

  • The aggravation of the reproductive instinct occurs at the end of winter – the middle of spring, this is due to an increase in the length of daylight hours. And vice versa – with a decrease in the length of daylight hours, activity decreases;

  • A cat can suffer both physically and psychologically if estrus does not lead to pregnancy. For this reason, if you are not going to breed a cat, you should discuss the issue of sterilization with a specialist.

The article is not a call to action!

For a more detailed study of the problem, we recommend contacting a specialist.

Ask the vet

July 5 2017

Updated: 30 March 2022

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