Other names: Burmilla shorthair
Burmilla is a relatively young cat breed, bred in the UK and originating from Burmese and Persian chinchillas. Animals inherited the bright appearance of both ancestors, as well as unique smoky and shaded colors.
Characteristics of Gatto Burmilla
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Basic moments
- Burmilla is classified as a rare fashion pet, which is one of the reasons for its high cost.
- Thanks to pedigree experiments, new varieties of burmillas are periodically born, for example, semi-longhair, golden ones. However, if you buy a cat with an eye on show success, it is better to refuse such animals, since almost all of them have not received recognition from felinological associations.
- Maintaining the glamorous look of a cat’s coat is easy, which will please owners who dream of a stylish pet that does not have to be looked after endlessly.
- Burmillas are referred to by breeders as “all-age” cats for their ability to get along equally well with both adults and children.
- This is one of the best breeds for single people of retirement age, as cats do not suffer from hyperactivity.
- Burmillas are not afraid of water, although, unlike Turkish Vans, they are not eager to take a shower.
- The breed is very peaceful and easily gets along with other pets, whether they are cats or dogs.
- The desire to contact people as often as possible leads Burmilla to the fact that at night they alternately visit each family member in bed.

Burmilla is an embodied charm with an accommodating character and inexhaustible curiosity, suffering from a mild form of gambling. Possession of this “fluffy ideal” is not only a matter of prestige, but also a test of perseverance in achieving the goal, since cats free for reservation cannot be found on classifieds sites, and Burmilla catteries in Our country can be easily counted on the fingers of one hand. However, true fans of the breed are only stimulated by difficulties: after all, there is also England and the USA, where a larger number of breeders who agree to air transportation of animals are engaged in breeding Burmillas.
History of the Burmilla breed
Amazingly, the reason for the appearance of burmilla was the banal human carelessness. In 1981, two purrs met in one of the English estates – a Persian chinchilla cat named Sanquist, owned by Baroness Miranda von Kirchberg, and a Burmese cat Faberge. The animals were kept in different rooms waiting for mating partners, but one day the cleaner forgot to close the doors to the rooms. As a result, the cats did not wait for the planned mating, having solved the problem of further reproduction on their own.
From the relationship between Sanquist and Faberge, four healthy black and silver kittens were born, which immediately aroused the interest of breeders. As a result, it was these four who participated in the first breeding experiments to create a new breed. When breeding Burmilla breeders immediately identified the goal: to get a Burmese-type cat, inheriting an extensive palette of chinchilla colors. However, later it turned out that in addition to the exterior indicators, the character of the newborn mestizos also changed.
An interesting fact: shortly after an arbitrary mating with a Faberge Burmese, the Sanquist cat was castrated and was no longer involved in breeding.
Burmillas were standardized in 1984 and received official FIFe recognition ten years later. The WCF commission agreed to enter the breed in the studbooks in 1996. TICA only joined in 2008. The American Cat Association was the last to register Burmillas.
Video: Burmilla
Burmilla breed standard
The predatory beauty of the Burmese ancestors of Burmillas is softened by the smoothness of the lines. At the same time, the breed is not characterized by a frank toy appearance: the Burmill silhouette is graceful, and their coat does not add volume to the body, as is the case with chinchilla Persians . Cats look more charismatic than cats: developed, plump cheeks, as well as a more impressive build, give a pleasant solidity to their appearance. In general, the Burmilla has a more doll-like appearance than the Burmese, but less pretty than the Chinchillas.
The Burmilla’s head is a short, blunt wedge with a soft, rounded outline. Widely set cheekbones stand out noticeably on the muzzle. The lower jaw and chin are strong, moderately developed. The profile has a clear transition without a hump.
Large ears with a wide set are noticeably tilted forward. The tips are slightly rounded, the base has a good width. The ears themselves visually continue the contour of the upper part of the muzzle.
Burmillas have wide-set and large eyes. The upper eyelids have a classic oriental shape, while the lower ones have rounded outlines. The standard color of the iris is green. Occasionally, amber eye color is allowed in individuals of cream, tortoiseshell and red stripes.
Burmilla bodies are more massive than it might seem at first glance. Cats are medium in size. The backs of the animals are even on the segment between the croup and the shoulders. The chest in profile looks rounded and has a strong structure.
Burmilla legs are thin, with oval graceful paws.
The classic British Burmilla is a short-haired cat with dense, silky hair that is slightly raised by a soft undercoat. In the 90s, the breed had a separate branch, represented by semi-longhair cats. The breeding of such Burmillas is attributed to breeders from Australia, and the animals themselves are called Tiffany. To date, most felinological associations refuse to see the Australian Burmillas as a breed as such. However, breeding of long-haired cats continues.
Burmilla’s coat is necessarily tipped or shaded. The main breed colors are lilac, brown, chocolate, black, speckled blue, cream, speckled black. There are individuals with a point color that forms a pattern on the muzzle in the form of a rhombus or the letter M. Sometimes golden burmillas are born, but this color is recognized as acceptable only by the Czech Breeders Association.
Disadvantages and possible defects
Deviations that may affect the exhibition evaluation of the animal:
- different from the standard color of the iris in adult cats;
- cobby build and vice versa – excessive roastness of the constitution;
- shaggy tousled wool;
- elongated muzzle.
Burmilla character
Burmilla is a cat with a harmonious character, moderately independent, but at the same time, contact. In fact, all the typical cat habits are combined in the breed, but in a somewhat “ennobled” form. For example, Burmilla is extremely playful and just crazy about all kinds of teasers, as well as clockwork mice. At the same time, the passion for chasing prey never goes beyond the scope of adequate behavior, so she will not sweep away smartphones and fragile figurines in the house from the table.
Sociability and the desire for tactile contact with a person are very developed among the descendants of Burmese and chinchillas, so Burmilla will often ask for “hands”, and even on the master’s knees she will “tread” with pleasure. However, one should not confuse sociability with clinging: as soon as the cat understands that no one is interested in his tenderness, he will immediately stop getting those around him with his claims.
Typically, burmill is recommended to owners who value order in their own homes, as well as those who are worried about the safety of designer repairs. It is believed that representatives of this breed are neat in everyday life and do not sin with scratches, even if they are very out of sorts. Another distinguishing feature of the Burmilla is the expressive purr that the cat “turns on” at the first touch of its fur. Owning such a musical pet is already an advantage in itself, if, of course, you are ready to perceive sound vibrations as an alternative kind of anti-stress therapy.
Burmillas are affectionate, and this fact is important to consider. Unlike most of their fellow tribesmen, the descendants of the Burmese get used not to the house, but to the person next to them. To give into the wrong hands an already adult cat with whom it was not possible to get along is cruel to say the least. It cannot be said that the representatives of this family are such desperate party-goers, however, loneliness has a depressing effect on animals. Accordingly, before buying a Burmilla, you will have to make the final choice: either a career or a cat.
Education and training
Burmillas are curious, intelligent and non-confrontational pets, although they are not without the standard feline cunning. The latter quality is especially clearly revealed in situations where punishment looms on the horizon: the offending “tail” skillfully portrays non-involvement in the dirty trick just done and the owners deliberately do not respond to calls. Otherwise, Burmillas are quite pliable and almost always excellent students in studies.
Adaptation of a kitten to new living conditions, as a rule, is painless. If you notice that the baby is too cowardly and cautious, make sure in advance: together with the animal, grab a toy or diaper from the nursery that smells like his brothers and parents. Familiar smells will soothe your pet and distract his attention. The fastest way to accustom a Burmilla to a new home is to limit its range of movement to one room, which will have a tray, a basket and a bowl of food. Usually, after a day or two, the kitten is perfectly oriented in a previously unfamiliar room.
Burmillas are extremely clean, so they have no problems with going to the tray. You can teach your baby cat wisdom with the help of special literature. Good books are: “Train Your Cat in 10 Minutes” by Fields-Babino, “Raising Your Cat” by Tailing. In the process of practicing various tricks, rely on the natural inclinations of the animal. For example, the breed is not indifferent to the fetching of objects and easily learns to bring prey on demand, but the cat may not like acrobatic numbers with high jumps.
Usually adult Burmillas are not attracted to furniture upholstery, but kittens discovering the world are sometimes not averse to sharpening their claws on the sofa. To avoid trouble, first of all buy a scratching post, and then treat the areas that are attractive to the baby with essential oils. Stop trespassing on furniture and wallpaper, even if it happens during the game: the ban must remain a ban in any situation. An excellent educational tool is a spray bottle filled with water. If the kitten is too carried away by leprosy, it is enough to give him a light sobering shower.
Maintenance and care
The refined appearance of Burmilla creates a deceptive impression of their effeminacy and unsuitability. In fact, representatives of the breed get used to both apartment conditions and living in a country house with obligatory forays into the surrounding area. Even if you live in a metropolis, do not be lazy to accustom your cat to a harness, taking it for a walk in a nearby square or park. Burmilla such excursions only benefit!
As for home maintenance, here you need to remember the main thing: Burmillas love warmth and always strive to attach fluffy bodies to heating appliances. Accordingly, if you want to please the cat, buy a hanging bed and attach it to the battery during the cold season.
Hygiene and hair care
Maintaining the external charm of Burmilla requires minimal effort on the part of the owner. The short coat of the breed sheds very moderately, so if you do not forget to comb the purr at least once a week, cleanliness in the apartment is ensured. A little more often you have to mess with the muzzle of a pet. First, try to immediately remove slimy lumps from the Burmilla’s eyes, with which the animal looks extremely untidy. Any clean, lint-free cotton cloth is suitable for this, as well as saline, calendula decoction, or a weak solution of boric acid (a teaspoon per 250 ml of water).
Secondly, wipe your chin if it is stained with food. The wool of the breed absorbs any third-party pigments, so if it is not cleaned in a timely manner, the areas of the “fur coat” that have come into contact with the coloring matter will change tone. Keep your pet’s ears clean by removing sulfur deposits if it really has accumulated in excess. It is useful to brush your teeth once a week for Burmilla, but you will have to train obedience in the animal during the procedure from an early age. If you suddenly want to “refresh” the oral cavity of an adult cat who is not familiar with a toothbrush, do not count on his patience and loyalty.
The most convenient option is to continue to feed the kitten with the food that he previously received in the cattery. It is also possible to accustom the Burmilla to a new type of food for her (dry food or natural food), but the transition will have to be made gradually. In addition, some cats categorically refuse to eat unfamiliar foods, which is why some owners stop trying to change their diet and continue to feed their wards according to the previous scheme. A natural menu is considered a healthier option for burmillas. Typically, the nutritional value of a cat portion is calculated as follows:
- from 60 to 70% – meat and offal;
- 20-30% – vegetable component;
- 10% – cereals.
Животный белок допустим только постный, поэтому свинины в рационе питомца быть не должно. Из кисломолочной продукции бурмиллам полезны кефир жирностью 1%, ряженка, нежирный творог. Рыбу котофеям предлагают изредка, причем только в отварном виде и без костей. Печень также нуждается в термической обработке, поскольку в большинстве случаев заражена паразитами.
Transferring Burmilla to “drying” is advisable if you are not going to save on the quality of the feed. Stay away from cheap options that have more carbohydrates than protein, and varieties that have added dyes (croquettes are colored pink and green). An alternative to dry food is wet canned food, but even here you will have to first study the composition. Do not feed burmilla meat jelly bags that are high in soy and contain less than 10% protein per 100g canned product.
Health and Disease Burmilla
The breed has excellent health, so genetic diseases are extremely rare. Usually, veterinarians recommend paying increased attention to the work of the Burmilla kidneys, since it is this organ that is most prone to the formation of cysts leading to kidney failure. Some individuals may suffer from allergies, manifested by the formation of red spots behind the ears, on the temples and neck. Most often, the animal’s body responds with an allergic reaction to chicken meat, so this product should be introduced into the Burmilla diet with great care.
How to choose a kitten
- If you take a kitten for breeding, keep in mind that the TICA pedigrees presented by the breeder do not guarantee the purity of the animal. Please note that for the registration of offspring in this system, only the owner’s application is sufficient, while the examination of the litter by the organization’s specialist is not carried out.
- Follow the schedule of Russian and international cat shows where rare breeds are exhibited. Attending such events gives a real chance to meet a reliable breeder and get in line for a purebred kitten.
- Try to buy a kitten from a seller who has their own sires. Mating with a Burmilla cat “from outside” is very expensive, so the breeder will try to compensate for the costs by increasing the price tag for offspring.
- In official catteries, kittens are given to new owners after Burmillas are 3 months old. It is better not to deal with sellers offering younger burmilla.
- For breeding, it is not recommended to take the smallest kitten in the litter, but such babies are quite suitable as pets “on the sofa”.
Burmilla price
Burmilla is a rare cat breed not only in Russia, but also in the world, and therefore expensive. When purchasing a kitten from Local breeders, get ready to spend from 900 to 1200$. Prices in American nurseries are almost the same: from 700 to 1200 dollars per individual.