5 questions about tray filler

5 questions about tray filler

In this article, we will answer the 5 most popular questions about cat litter. Get comfortable!

  • Which filler is better: clay, wood, silica gel?

It is impossible to say which filler is definitely better than all the others. Fillers come in different types, and each of them has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of filler is an individual matter. The main thing is that your cat likes it and suits you.

Clay litter is liked by most cats. When moisture gets in, it clumps or absorbs, and these lumps can be easily removed with a spatula or simply mixed. A complete replacement of the filler in the tray is not required. The main disadvantage is that you will have to clean up the lumps often, after each cat’s toilet.

Wood filler is economical, it is an environmentally friendly material with a pleasant smell. However, it will need to be replaced completely, plus it crumbles into small particles and is easily carried around the apartment on cat’s paws.

Corn and mineral fillers are also environmentally friendly materials. They are inexpensive and are very popular with cats. The disadvantages are the same as those of wood filler: they need a complete replacement and they are carried around the apartment.

Silica gel filler perfectly absorbs and eliminates odor well. At the same time, it must be thoroughly mixed, and if the cat swallows it, problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot be avoided.

There is only one way to find the perfect filler – to try.

  • Can litter cause allergies in a cat?

Maybe. And not only in cats, but also in other family members. Therefore, if you or your pets show signs of allergies after buying a new filler, try replacing it.

  • Why does a cat eat litter and what to do about it?

Some kittens and adult cats just love to eat litter. Usually the reason for this behavior is a banal interest. The cat has fun this way. It can also be caused by stress, boredom, or a lack of vitamins in the body. Pets must be supervised. The eaten filler can lead to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, such taste impressions of the pet should not be ignored in any case. If your cat doesn’t mind eating litter, check with your veterinarian.

  • What to do if the cat carries the filler around the apartment?

There are two ways to deal with this problem. The first is to replace the filler. The second is to purchase a tray with high sides and put it on a special mat that will hold the filler particles. Alternatively, purchase a dry closet.

  • Can litter be flushed down the toilet?

Do not rush to flush the filler into the toilet: problems with pipes are always unpleasant. Carefully read the information on the packaging: it will indicate how you can dispose of this filler.

Friends, if you have any questions about fillers, ask us in the comments to this article. See you!



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